
Research has shown that gifted children aren’t particularly successful at school.  The main reason is that our public school system doesn’t provide a customized learning experience to our children. As a matter of fact, overcrowded classrooms and low paid demotivated teachers are one of the key reasons that cause IQ drop of a child. In such a situation, the responsibility of the parents to know the talents of their kids and help them benefit from their natural gifts becomes extremely important. Standardized testing scores among school kids has shown that there is a strong correlation between a child’s standardized test scores and parent engagement in child learning. This website is dedicated to meet the needs of these parents. This website offers the most accurate scientifically proven IQ test for children available online.

IQ testing is important:

According to bleeding-edge research, IQ is one of the key drivers of success for a child. Knowing the IQ of a Child is the first step towards maximizing your child’s potential. Standard IQ tests are a measure of intelligence and provide the basis for defining a suitable development plan for your child. That’s why researchers strongly recommend IQ testing for children starting from an early age.

Testing IQ of children is hard:

There are many factors that make IQ testing for children difficult. First, the IQ test should be culturally neutral. In simple words, IQ test shouldn’t favor children who come from a specific cultural background. Second, little children don’t have the long attention span to handle thorough IQ testing that requires hours of engagement with a psychologist. Third, different children have different levels of reading comprehension which is especially valid for the children who use English as a second or third language. English language capabilities shouldn’t be a part of a truly culture fair IQ Test.

Considering these difficulties, our expert psychologists with a Ph.D. in child psychology have devised the following IQ test that uses fluid reasoning: an ability to analyze new problems. Over the years, more than 19 million children,aged between 5-16 years,  have taken this IQ test which means that your result will be compared to an enormous sample size. As a result, the accuracy of this Kids’ IQ test approaches ~99.4%, much higher than any other free IQ test available online. You will be able to get instant results unlike offline IQ tests that cost hundreds of dollars and take long time for three compilation of results and reporting.

The test follows Raven’s Colored Progressive Matrices methodology, which has been widely used by scientific and research community since 1930s.

Based on the age of your child, please click one of the following:

IQ test for 5-9 year old  

IQ test for 10-16 year old  


Intelligent Quotient

IQ Test For Kids: Distribution of IQ among test takers



“I always suspected my 6 year old 2nd grader to be ahead of her age. This short IQ test designed for children helped me confirm her gifted personality. By far, the best IQ test for children.”    Jeremy, London

“My 12 year old son was having problems at school. His teachers were complaining about his lack of interest since he was 8 year old. Eventually, I made him take this IQ test suspecting a learning disability. I was wrong. The test proved that he had a very high IQ and needed more challenging learning environment. I sent him to a gifted school and now he is a happy smart teenager.”    Cynthia, Singapore

“I have three children: a 7 year old girl, a 13 year old boy and a 15 year old girl.  All of them have above average IQ score by age: Thank you IQ test team for confirming. Now, as a parent, I know how to meet their specific learning needs.”   James, Sydney

“I made my 14 year old and 11 year old take this IQ test. It took them only 30 minutes and results were available instantly. Later, they took the test offline at their school. The scores were exactly the same. I wonder why do we need expensive offline IQ Testing, when inexpensive online tests are available”. Rebecca, New York